Pure E-liquids Rewards


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 Join Our Rewards

Create a customer account

It's that easy.

 Earn Reward Points

Earn 5 point for every £1 

Refer a friend | Follow us on social

 Spend and Save

Redeem your points and

save on your next order. 

Create Account


Once an account is created you automatically receive 300 points, which is the equivalent of £3.

You can also keep track of points earned, refer a friend for more points, or redeem them

by simply clicking on the PURE E-LIQUIDS REWARDS tab in the bottom left corner.

Pure E-liquids Rewards Button
Pure E-liquids Rewards Pop Up App


Redemptions and Conditions:

  • 1 point has the redemption value of 1p.
  • Minimum of 300 points required to redeem vouchers.
  • 5 points earned for every £1 spent.

Account holders may only earn points via purchasing on Pure E-Liquids or our authorised actions such as referring a friend, liking our social media accounts, entering official competitions and promotions where points are rewarded etc. Birthday points will only be added to accounts with valid birth dates. Pure E-Liquids have the right to suspend your account if users are found to be abusing our program e.g. self-referrals, changing birthdays etc. Refer a Friend points will automatically be credited to your account when the unique referral code has been used by the new customer to make a purchase from this website. If the customer is not new then the code will not work against a purchase.

New customers using the referral scheme will automatically have the discount voucher added to their order.